Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Now start counting bumper stickers while you are driving

Some science new everyone can use.

Road Rage Linked To Automobile Bumper Stickers

“The number of territory markers predicted road rage better than vehicle value, condition or any of the things that we normally associate with aggressive driving.”

"Only the number of bumper stickers, and not their content, predicted road rage."


It's a lot easier to count bumper stickers than read them. 8-)


Ipsit Dixit said...

My favorite bumper stickers that come to mind:

• I must hurry, for there they go, and I am their leader.

• He's dead, Jim. You grab his wallet and I'll get his tricorder.

• If you don't like the way I drive, then stay off of the sidewalk.

• Jesus loves you. (But I'm his favorite.)

Gorgius Vegetius said...

Bumper stickers, like lawn signs, are a curious form of self-expression. I doubt that many persons are persuaded to change behavior, adopt a position, or support a candidate on the basis of the number of times they see such a sign. However, it seems more likely than not that the presentation will engender hostility.

It is for this reason that Janet and I have an absolute bar on lawn signs and bumper stickers on our property. An additional benefit is that bumper stickers are damn hard to remove and detract from the value of your car.

As for road rage... There are some bumper stickers that offend me, but I must be too "milktoast" to take it any further.

Anonymous said...

"Keep honking - I'm reloading."

If only David would let me put one on my truck...

Ipsit Dixit said...

I have to agree with Gorgius Vegetius that political signage is unpersuasive, if you don't include the sheep. Many people would rather be wrong than different, so a relative critical mass of signage might influence their votes.

As for detracting from the value of your car, well, just keep your car until the paint fades, the undercarriage rusts out, the door latches fail, and the mechanic scratches his head saying “I aint really seen nothin’ like this before.” When you get to that point, the bumper stickers will have long since faded to blank and sloughed off in the acid rain, and the car will have zero value anyway.

So, have fun with a bumper sticker every once in a while, such as: "I love cats; but I can't eat a whole one."