Saturday, June 28, 2008

Restaurant Owner Takes Over Negotiations w/ North Korea

NJ Restaurant Owners AREN’T Diplomats!!!

I don’t know what this guy is thinking.

Maybe his pride got the better of him. Maybe he is just an IDIOT!!!

I cannot imagine that he is blind to the fact that the North Koreans are using him, that he is just a pawn.

Of particular concern is his intense pleasure in the idea that he interprets our culture for the North Koreans, that he is able to tell the North Koreans whether reactions to North Korean double-dealings is merely the politics of the Bush Administration or generally felt by other Americans. Even if he COULD speak for the rest of us, it is treasonous to do so.

I assume he never heard of Hanoi Jane.

Just a thought… maybe a bunch of the North Korean backsliding in negotiations is this jack-ass’ fault.


Anonymous said...

If anything, they probably view him as a useful idiot, and a buffoon.

But a few good trials for treasonous scumbags might do wonders for the attitudes of certain politicians.

Ipsit Dixit said...

The Constitution, Article III, § 3 addresses treason as follows:

“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

“The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.”

The United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states in relevant part that “[w]hoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

It is difficult, especially with the subsequently adopted freedoms of speech and the press, to see how a private citizen speaking to the North Koreans (including formal representatives of the dictatorship of Kim Il Jong) would be within the constitutional and statutory scope of treason. Offensive, perhaps. Foolish, definitely. Treasonous, nope.

Giving “Aid and Comfort” must constitute more than talking to an adversarial (or even enemy) government. My understanding, though I do not have the specific case law to back it up, is that aid and comfort must be material, not just moral jawboning. “Janet” (if that is indeed your real name, Bub) advocates treason trials. However, not even spies who sold or gave away vital national security secrets and whose actions resulted in the death of U.S. spies and intelligence officers have been charged with treason. Espionage, yes, but not treason. If such vile acts do not support treason charges, then it is doubtful that the bumblings of our New Jersey clown would be. Charging him with treason would give more aid and comfort to the North Koreans than he ever did. It would be a propaganda coup for them, justifying their close surveillance of all conversations with foreigners, giving them an example of U.S. hypocrisy, and convincing them that we are so afraid of them that we will use the biggest hammer in our criminal jurisprudence to silence a poorly educated but mouthy Jersey boy.

Our restaurateur, though innocent of treason, may, have violated laws restricting travel to, or activities in, North Korea. I would not be surprised to hear that his passport has been revoked now that this article has been published. In the meantime, every dollar that North Korean diplomats spend in New Jersey dives is one less dollar spent to underwrite a rogue regime.

At worst, he deserves our contempt (and perhaps civil fines). At best, he deserves our amused chuckles.

Gorgius Vegetius said...


With all due respect... "Whatever!"

I don't think that Janet, and I am sure that I, was speaking literally of a trial for our beloved Hoboken traitor. I am equally sure that we are not discussing the legal definition of "treason."

There is nothing funny though about pridefully attacking one's country on the world stage. Sure, one has the legal right to say pretty much anything that one wants. One may even have a moral duty to critique one's government or to bring to light that which is hidden.

However, the New York Times was as wrong to release the Pentagon Papers as this idiot to act as a pawn to a government that opposes US policy at every turn. I think the analogy to "Hanoi Jane" is appropriate.

Again, I don't want this blithering idiot to be arrested but I would be delighted if his restaurant had to close because my fellow Americans didn't want to fill the coffers of a man who advocates for one of the most brutal regimes in history. (There is an irony to this too in that he makes a living by feeding over-fed Americans while advocating for an over-fed, psychotic midget who starves his people.)

Do I think that Jerseans, Jersians, People of Jersey... Whatever... will take him to task? No... But wouldn't it be nice?

Ipsit Dixit said...

Sorry, GV, I did not mean to imply that you were advocating treason charges, but Janet did mention treason. Using the term "treason" or "treasonous" in a political discussion is like using the word "hate" towards family members: overuse diminishes the power of the word. The family member who "hates" you for not accomodating them with your weekend plans is less likely to be taken seriously when they express hate in response to a genuine tresspass, since "hate" has come to equal "dislike" in their mouths. The commentator who ascribes treason to objectionable but protected speach likewise diminishes the true gravity of "treason", reducing it to something like political incorrectness. The "trials for treasonous scumbags" prompted my mini-lecture.

In the meantime, it is clear that you, and Janet, have nothing but contempt for the fellow. I suspect that you are in good and numerous company. For my part, I lean toward condescending amusement. I figure that laughter will make a deeper cut in his ego.

Listen to his own words: "I go to North Korea to work on nuclear issues," added Egan, who said he doesn't know much about nuclear technology. "I never took a science class in my whole life, but I know they got a bomb and it's a big bang. And how do we get it away from them? Let's see if they're interested in giving it to us, that's the easiest way." He trumpets his ignorance as if it is a badge of honor. An anti-intellectual such as he simply takes contempt as persecution by a self-appointed elite and a sign that his is a just and noble endeavor.

He may think he speaks for the American people—as infuriating that may be—but no one else thinks he does (including the North Koreans). Rather than boycott his restaurant, go out of your way to visit it. Wear a Springsteen t-shirt and a Peterbilt or US armed forces cap. Then, when you see the fellow (since “he can be found holding court” at his joint), feign surprise. “Joe? Joe Egan? Are you the Joe Egan I heard about on Fox News?!” He will beam at you, puff out his chest, inflate his ego, and say that yes, he is indeed the Joe Egan. At that point say something like “Nuclear bomb: big boom!” and snicker. “Oh, and by the way North Korea, I know you starved your people to buy the nuke that is your only guarantee against invasion, so why don’t you just give it to us. ‘That’s the easiest way.’ Just give us your ‘big boom’!” Watch his ego deflate and his anger well up. Laugh. Repeat “big boom” a couple times, as if to yourself, and laugh some more as you leave his restaurant.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, The North Korean Nuclear threat tie to the Iranian nuclear weapon development is real and there are confirmed ties of its uranium enrichment program to Iran, Syria and others but the ties were aided by United States Citizens a Us Army Officer on Fort Dix and his civilian friend and so called client Robert Egan a local restaurant owner in Hackensack. The Army Officer happens to live in New Milford New Jersey, Attends church at Grace Lutheran Church in River edge NJ, has a law office in Franklin Lakes N.J. and hides behind his representation of his Client in Criminal matters unrelated to national security to show a sham attorney client relationship while the lawyer uses his ties to the US Army, and Access to high level homeland security officials in New York and New Jersey to pass on secrete information to Robert Egan.
Here is The latest Robert Egan North Korea June 2008 Nuclear threat is listed here,4670,BarbecueDiplomat,00.html

Listed below are links to criminal and civil charges filed against this nut Robert Egan which winkler defended so that egan could continue to spy for north korea and make winkler rich disguised partly as legal fees

Here's the bottom line Both Robert Egan and his so called friend, Mark Winkler an army lawyer who had access to nuclear secrets and military and use civilian soft targets, must be and stopped from further activity with N. Korea. The only way these guys will be prosecuted is if citizens act quickly by aiding the only witness who is willing to testify against Egans friend Mark Winkler, based on what Winkler disclosed which specifically identifies how much uranium was passed to Iran by north Korea, how this was done, which diplomats were involved and the threat of ongoing similar activity which is being ignored by the Newark New Jersey FBI and US Attorney Christopher Christie's office in Newark NJ because of which will embarrass the Current administration. Call Judge Cavanaugh at 973 645 3932 and ask him to reconsider an emergent relief motion filed by a female army officer targeted by the cowardly NJ Army National Guard Ft Dix LTC Mark Winkler’s filing of false harassment charges against her and the use of the Fort Dix Magistrate Court System and his friend Part Time Magistrate Judge Maurtone of Orange NJ, who threw out evidence to exonerate the officer and gave her an unprecedented 24 month term of probation and now seeks to violate her privacy rights by forcing her to endure a mental health exam simply for being falsely accused of calling winkler an hanging up the phone, no threats, but the improper climate on Fort Dix and winkler's influence allowed this to happen. On 6/11/2008 Federal District Court Judge Cavanaugh ruled that Mautone's bar against the officer making public comments about the case, winkler and her excessive probation was a violation of the officer’s 1st amendment rights and vacated it. This infuriated fascist Judge Mautone and in retaliation Maurtone ordered that the Officer’s probation officer Patricia Jensen in Trenton NJ violate the female officer for having made public comment, and despite the 6/11 ruling The Probation Department on 6/16 signed a violation notice based on the officers making public comment and on 6/1818th in the District Court Of NJ in Newark argued before Judge Maurtone by the United State Attorney assigned to the matter by Fort Dix through a program approved by US Attorney Criminal justice chief Mr. McKenna, that the officer should have probation revoked, face jail and have a mental health exam imposed, because she made public comments on the case and even though this was vacated by judge cavanaugh on 6/11 and ignored the fact that the officer who is a female former military prosecutor 26 year veteran, JAG on fort Dix and current employee of the NJ Office the attorney General with no prior criminal history whatsoever, a former Mil Academy instructor, 9-11 first time responder with the National Guard, TV Legal Analyst, and superb human being, Judge Mautone is trying to violate the officers right to privacy, by putting her in jeopardy against her will for forced mental health civil confinement simply because Judge Mautone was recently overruled. Mautone on the record improperly threatened the officer with facing unknown additional criminal charges he will pursue simply on the basis of a letter sent to the Judge by LTC Mark Winkler, unless she agrees to further unconstitutional restraints by the Dept. of Probation. This case is a travesty of justice and the officer is willing to go out as an example of why in this country there is a continuous struggle against anarchy and biased and serious judicial misconduct and the fact that Rosa Parks like was also convicted of a minor petty disorderly persons offense for failing to give up her seat on a public bus to a white male, is an example of how intolerable and racist the justice system is in this country currently and in particular in NJ. Please call the United States Attorney in Washington DC. To report this problem. Try to reach the Judith Wish Chief of the Professional responsibility section (202)514-3365 call to ask fax a written request to her at (202)514-5050that the us attorney remove the case from the fort dix prosecutors or call the NJ US attorney Christopher Christie’s office at (973)645-2700 fax in requests to have this officers case reassigned to a special prosecutor unaffiliated with Fort Dix to Attn US Attorney Christopher Christie: (973) 645-2702 970 Broad Street, Newark New Jersey 07101 Regarding the case of US vs. Jackson
I am not sure why it takes so long to prosecute people like Robert Egan and Mark Winkler. Egans reports in vanity fair NPR Washington post etc is an obvious case of acting as an unregistered agent for a foreign nation, if Egan were in contact with Saddam’s government and tried to set up the prewar visit for our lawmakers he would have been prosecuted. To make matters worse, If Egan tried to get rich from it by trading influence with American lawmakers for an oil payment from Saddam he would have been arrested. This type of behavior is rampant in the US and goes unchecked and is a serious breach of security. Egans behavior with North Korean agents is far worse because Egan may have unfettered access to United States Military secrete material on fort dix which includes our location of potential terrorist targets like our bridges tunnels, nuclear and chemical power plants and the Homeland security monitoring schedules and New Jersey National Guard troop movements to protect these critical sites through his friend and lawyer LTC Mark winkler of the New Jersey Army National Guard JAG office. New Jersey American Citizen Robert Egan, an owner of a restaurant called cubbies in Hackensack NJ, doing the very same thing with North Korea. However this guys lawyer keeps him out of trouble, the only problem is Egan’s lawyer is a Lieutenant Colonel in the New Jersey Army National Guard n Fort Dix, (Mark Winkler, Esq. of Franklin Lakes NJ) and his lawyer may have received payments through his client Egan from North Korea. Egan pays his lawyer by referring him other clients who need asylum from Korea, North Vietnam etc, who have no money but Egan finances their asylum legal fees which are disguised as payments he makes to his lawyer who gets rich from this affiliation. TO make matters worse this lawyer, threatens anyone who talks to the media or law enforcement about him and files false harassment charges against anyone who tries to stop him. The lawyer recently told a female officer on Fort Dix, all about his clients operation and passing of secrets to N. Korea and the client’s knowledge of a North Korean uranium enrichment program which was in fact shared with Iranian government and aided the Iranian program.. Jackson
I am not sure why it takes so long to prosecute people like Robert Egan and Mark Winkler. Egans reports in vanity fair NPR Washington post etc is an obvious case of acting as an unregistered agent for a foreign nation, if Egan were in contact with Saddam’s government and tried to set up the prewar visit for our lawmakers he would have been prosecuted. To make matters worse, If Egan tried to get rich from it by trading influence with American lawmakers for an oil payment from Saddam he would have been arrested. This type of behavior is rampant in the US and goes unchecked and is a serious breach of security. Egans behavior with North Korean agents is far worse because Egan may have unfettered access to United States Military secrete material on fort dix which includes our location of potential terrorist targets like our bridges tunnels, nuclear and chemical power plants and the Homeland security monitoring schedules and New Jersey National Guard troop movements to protect these critical sites through his friend and lawyer LTC Mark winkler of the New Jersey Army National Guard JAG office. New Jersey American Citizen Robert Egan, an owner of a restaurant called cubbies in Hackensack NJ, doing the very same thing with North Korea. However this guys lawyer keeps him out of trouble, the only problem is Egan’s lawyer is a Lieutenant Colonel in the New Jersey Army National Guard n Fort Dix, (Mark Winkler, Esq. of Franklin Lakes NJ) and his lawyer may have received payments through his client Egan from North Korea. Egan pays his lawyer by referring him other clients who need asylum from Korea, North Vietnam etc, who have no money but Egan finances their asylum legal fees which are disguised as payments he makes to his lawyer who gets rich from this affiliation. TO make matters worse this lawyer, threatens anyone who talks to the media or law enforcement about him and files false harassment charges against anyone who tries to stop him. The lawyer recently told a female officer on Fort Dix, all about his clients operation and passing of secrets to N. Korea and the client’s knowledge of a North Korean uranium enrichment program which was in fact shared with Iranian government and aided the Iranian program. //

I found this info on a copy machine at kinkos in Newark . The person was a female who looked worried left her files and hurried back to retrieve them but still overlooked and left this on the copier

Anonymous said...

I humbly ask you to remove the last two comments. Several Current US Mmilitary officers are complaining that they arwe identied and this creats a risk to their families when they are deployed to a warzone. Please delete the last two comments this ia an urgent request